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Annual Christmas Bauble Service

Sunday, 3rd December 2023 at 2.30pm.  St Nicholas Church, Prestwick.

This year's annual Christmas bauble service is at St Nicholas Church, Prestwick.  Starting at 2.30pm this service is open to everyone, including all the family, friends and all who support us.

We invite you to bring along a bauble, personalised or not, for your baby, to hang on one of our Christmas trees during the service (we do ask you take this back at the end of the service).  We will hear stories from those affected by baby loss, poems, prayers, songs, hymns and carols.  There will also be a candle procession by the children through the church and instruction will be given on the day for anyone wishing to take part.

We will once again have a separate room with activites for those children who do not wish to sit through the whole service.  They will be invited at the appropriate time during the service to take part.

The service is always very moving and emotional, but please don't worry if it is your first time, we have all been there and we are here for you.  If you have any questions, or worries please let us know, and we look forward to sharing this very special service with you, from all at Ayrshire Baby Loss Support

~~~ If you would like to help, we are always looking for people to help set up before the sevice and help clean up afterwards ~~~

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